Hey everyone—we've made some improvements to the way searches happen on the site by also improving the way posts are indexed. In addition to the Search function, we've implemented hashtag search functionality (below) that the moderators have been adding to some posts. This provides a curated type of search for certain topics. Here's a rundown on some of the searchable hashtag topics we've been cultivating:
#PickupPreferences #PickupWiring #PickupIssues #FlexPCB #PiezoIssues #SwitchReplacement
Setup-related Info
#SetupPreferences #VibratoBridge #TuningIssues #IntonationIssues #SpringIssues #StringIssues
Other Wear and Tear
#FretIssues #SaddleIssues #SpringIssues #JackIssues #NutIssues #TrussIssues #WheelIssues
#ParkerPrototypes #FinishMatters #NeckContour #MIDIFlyResources #WoodTypes
Some Cool Build/Mod/Repair Threads
#FlyMods #ElectronicsMods #DIYGuides
...and as an FYI — all of these tags are now noted on the FAQ thread.
Hopefully, you never had a meh experience with the search feature before, but, if you did, it should now be snappier and yield better results. Happy Flying!